
By American Heart Association News

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慢性肾脏疾病可能是西班牙裔成年人心脏骤停的一个重要危险因素, a new study has found.

The research, published Wednesday in the Journal of the American Heart Association, also suggested heavy drinking, a type of irregular heartbeat called atrial fibrillation, 心脏病和中风可能导致西班牙裔和拉丁裔成年人心脏骤停的风险更高.

"The death rate for sudden cardiac arrest is more than 90%, 预测和预防这种情况是重中之重," Dr. 该研究的主要作者金达隆·雷尼尔在沙巴足球体育平台发布会上说. Reinier是洛杉矶Cedars-Sinai卫生系统Smidt心脏研究所心脏骤停预防中心流行病学副主任.

慢性肾脏疾病的早期发现和管理可能会降低西班牙裔人心脏骤停的风险, she said.

研究人员将一组295名在2015年2月至2021年1月期间发生心脏骤停的西班牙裔成年人与一组590名没有经历过心脏骤停的西班牙裔成年人进行了比较. 第一组来自多民族社区猝死预测研究, or PRESTO, which follows cardiac arrest survivors in Ventura County, California. 对照组的参与者来自圣地亚哥拉美裔社区健康调查/拉美裔研究中心, an ongoing study of the health of Hispanic people in the U.S.

Of the adults who had a cardiac arrest, 51%的人以前被诊断患有慢性肾脏疾病, and 20% had end-stage kidney disease that required dialysis.

该研究还检查了每一组人患有某些疾病的几率. The cardiac arrest group had 7.患慢性肾脏疾病的几率是对照组的3倍. The odds were 4.5 times higher for heavy drinkers; four times higher for those with AFib; three times higher for those with coronary heart disease or a history of stroke; 2.5 times higher in those with heart failure; and 1.5 times higher for those with Type 2 diabetes.

Cardiac arrest, 心脏病有或没有心脏病的人心脏功能的突然丧失, causes an estimated 436,000 deaths in the U.S. each year, according to the American Heart Association.

研究人员表示,这项研究可能是第一个评估西班牙裔人群心脏骤停预测因素的研究. 但他们表示,两组之间可能存在无法衡量的差异,而这项研究没有考虑到这一点. Also, 因为这项研究的对象主要是居住在南加州的墨西哥裔成年人, the findings may not apply to all Hispanic people, the researchers said.

“我们希望其他研究人员能在不同的人群中复制我们的发现。. Sumeet S. Chugh, 该研究的合著者兼Smidt心脏骤停预防中心主任, said in the release. “我们希望比较所有个体心脏骤停的风险预测因子,以确定是否需要针对特定种族的预防或治疗措施."

American Heart Association News Stories

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